Happy New Year 2025!
Yeah, okay, I figured I ought to put up a new year's post even though I really don't have anything new to say since the last blog post. Which, granted, was only three days ago, but still, I wish I'd accomplished more in those three days than I have. Last year I was posting every day from December 21 to January 1, and had new progress on the Wongery I could report for each day. Then again, that was the leadup to the much anticipated (by me and by pretty much no one else) and ultimately anticlimactic "hard launch", and I was focusing entirely on the Wongery, and more specifically not on writing new articles (though that is something I really, really, have to do), but on infrastructure matters of web design and extensions. This year, well, I haven't been entirely unproductive this last week, but I've been doing other things besides just working on the Wongery. I have been putting in some time on the Wongery (on articles that aren't finished yet), but I've got other things I've been trying to get done as well. And I've been sleeping more than I'd really planned on, because apparently I've been seriously sleep deprived and really needed to catch up on sleep. (Which I still feel like I haven't done; despite having gotten up relatively late this morning I'm very tired right now and resisted the strong temptation to take a nap this afternoon.)
Oh, wait, even if I don't have any significant progress to report on the Wongery from the last three days, it just occurred to me there is something associated with the new year that I could write a blog post about. New year's resolutions! (And when I say it just occurred to me, I mean that it really did just occur to me as I was writing the previous paragraph; this honestly isn't something I had in mind when I started writing this post.) So what do I hope to accomplish during 2025?
Well, one thing that I honestly don't expect to happen during 2025 is for the Wongery to suddenly attain the popularity, recognition, and traffic I'd been hoping it would get. That is something I still hope for (albeit likely in vain), but I think some of the biggest things that will help that along are the release of games, novels, and RPG supplements and adventures set on Wongery worlds... and that's something that, like I said in the last blog post, I'm shooting to have done in June 2026. So, okay, that's a 2026 goal; what are some 2025 goals for the Wongery?
- Get regular exercise. Okay, this isn't really a Wongery-related goal, but it's something I need to do nonetheless. I've never been in great shape, but there are periods in the past when I did exercise regularly; I have home exercise equipment (which just barely fits in the bedroom of my decently sized but not that large apartment) and, somewhat redundantly, a gym membership, but I haven't used either in some time, and I need to get back on that. I wanted to try to start getting back in the habit of daily workouts today, actually, if I got up early enough, but... I didn't get up early enough. Okay, maybe you could say this had some potential effect on the Wongery, in that if I did exercise regularly maybe I'd have more energy and find it easier to get things done, but I promise the other items on this list will be more directly related.
- Start filling the Wongery's RPG space with stats and content. I've made a previous post about what has to happen before I can do that, and... I actually have made some, very minor progress on the items in that list. Specifically, I have installed the Scribunto extension, which is going to be necessary to make the templates for stat blocks. But there's a lot more I have to do, and... I really have to do it. That'll be one of my goals for 2025. Heck, that'll be one of my goals for this week. Let's see if I can have the first stat block up before next Monday. (Probably not, but I'll try.)
- Register the Wongery as a private limited company. This is something I've been meaning to do for a long time, and it's another thing I really ought to get to doing, because until this is done I can't really... make any financial transactions for the Wongery that can't be easily traced back to me and reveal my real identity (which, for no good reason whatsoever, I remain determined to avoid revealing). That means until this happens, I can't pay artists; I can't put up books or RPG supplements for sale (I mean, the books and RPG supplements I make to promote the Wongery I fully intend to release for free in PDF form, but I may as well give myself a little profit margin for hardcopy sales if there are any); I can't make a Patreon or Ko-fi account for the Wongery; and I can't really do the next item.
- Make the Akinetic Media License a thing. Which means paying lawyers to draft it. I actually know what legal form I'm planning to employ for this; there's a legal firm that specializes in intellectual property and works with games a lot and that regularly presents panels at Gen Con. But of course I haven't done it yet, and... this is another thing I want to do. By the end of 2025.
- You know what? Not just the RPG Space. I'll try to have at least some content up in every subspace of the Meta:Gamespace by the end of 2025, though the RPG space will be first. And the buildspace and assetspace too.
- Rewrite all the old articles on the Central Wongery, especially the early articles that are way too short. Or at least let's say by the end of the year I'll plan to have rewritten the hundred earliest articles. I've been working on this; I've been alternating writing new articles with rewriting old ones; but so far I've only rewritten—let's see—fourteen old articles. So that's eighty-six more I need to do if I'm going to meet the arbitrary goal that I just now set. And of course I haven't posted any new or rewritten articles for a while, which really has to change, so let's make that the last goal on this list:
- New articles! I keep saying I need to write new articles (and I do), so let's make that one of my resolutions too! But just "new articles" is vague; how many new articles? Well, if I resolve to rewrite at least a hundred old articles, I think I can resolve to write at least a hundred new articles too. Is this a realistic goal, given how long it takes me to write an article? I don't know, but I'm going to try! That means at least two new articles and two rewritten articles a week (okay, technically an average of about 1.923 new articles a week and (given that I've already rewritten fourteen) 1.615 rewritten articles, but let's round up); let's see if that can be done.
So. All right. There are my (mostly) Wongery-related New Year's Resolutions for 2025. I've got a lot of work ahead of me... but I've always got a lot of work ahead of me; being at a loss for things to do has never been an issue for me.
Anyway, again, Happy New Year! Let's all hope 2025 is... not completely horrible.