Main Page

From the Wongery
Revision as of 18:11, 22 October 2024 by Clé (talk | contribs)
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Welcome to the Central Wongery! A core part of the Wongery site, this wiki is dedicated to sharing information about imaginary worlds. It is very much a work in progress (and always will be), and new content is continually being added.

If you want to see some of what the Wongery has to offer, you can take a glance at the index of worlds—or, if you're feeling adventurous, you can click the "Random page" in the navigation box to the left.

Please note that the Central Wongery is not open for public editing. Only a select group of "Grandmaster Wongers" can contribute articles, though any user can post on the discussion pages or user pages. If you want to share information about your imaginary world, we have another wiki, the Public Wongery, available for just that purpose.


While the Central Wongery contains hundreds of articles describing various worlds, creatures, objects, and concepts, we want to make it as easy as possible for others to use this content for their own creative projects. To that end, in addition to the mainspace with the article text, there are other namespaces intended to help users adapt the content of the mainspace articles for various purposes. Most of these namespaces are further divided into subspaces for more specific uses. (Okay, actually, there's very little content in those other namespaces yet, but we're working on it.)

This space contains (or will contain) material to help use the Wongery content in various kinds of tabletop game: role-playing games, card games, board games, miniatures games, etc.
This space contains (or will contain) instructions for building physical models of creatures and objects described in the Wongery, with LEGOs, papercraft, 3d printing, etc.
This space contains (or will contain) digital assets that you can employ to use Wongery content in video games, both pixelart for use in 2d games and rigged models for use in 3D games.
This space does not contain additional material, but exists as a place for acknowledgment of any other sources the articles draw on.

If an article on the Central Wongery has a corresponding page in one of these other subspaces, you can access it through a tab on the top of the page.

Other subspaces that we hope to implement or are at least considering implementing in the future but that don't exist yet include:

A space for interactive maps of worlds and locations described in the Wongery
A space for recipes representing dishes from the settings described in the Wongery
A space for printable paper props representing documents from Wongery settings (newspapers, playbills, etc.)
A space for sound files representing sounds connected to Wongery content (music, ambient city sounds, animal cries, etc.)
A space for fictional languages from Wongery settings
A space for virtual environments simulating locations described in the Wongery
A space to link creative works—games, fiction, etc.—based on Wongery content, when and if such works exist

(The titles of these spaces are very much subject to change, when and if they're ever implemented.)


All of the material in the Central Wongery mainspace is released under a CC BY-SA license. We also intend to release it under other licenses in the future; our intent is to make it easy for other people to use this content in their own works, with proper acknowledgement. See Meta:Licensing for more information.

The material in other namespaces is not necessarily licensed under the CC BY-SA license, but may be licensed under that or other licenses. For instance, the material in the Year Zero subspace (containing material for use with the Year Zero Engine role-playing system) is released under the Year Zero License. Generally, the pertinent licensing information for material in the other namespaces is available in the namespace's main page, and the appropriate license usually appears at the bottom of each applicable page in the space as well.