The Wongery

Welcome to the Wongery!

The Wongery is a site for information about imaginary worlds. The core features of the Wongery are the Central Wongery, a wiki with content created by the site's owners, and the Public Wongery, where anyone can post their creations. All of the main content of these wikis is released under an open license, so anyone can use it for their own works, subject to the license's conditions. Furthermore, aside from the description of the world, there are pages devoted to additional applications, including RPG statistics, LEGO models, and more.

If you're new here, feel free to browse the Central Wongery or the Public Wongery, check out the forum, or read the blog to see a bit of the site's history.

(Yes, we know the site could really use some illustrations, among other things. The Wongery is still very much a work in progress.)

Recent Blog Posts:

January 4, 2025: Jungle Growth

So. About two hours before this blog entry was posted was the deadline for WorldEmber, a challenge on the worldbuilding site World Anvil[1] that involved writing 10,000 words of worldbuilding in the month of December. (Well, mostly in the month of December, with...

  1. There's a part of me that sort of feels like World Anvil, as another site dedicated to worldbuilding, is in some sense a competitor of the Wongery, and that I shouldn't be bringing it up or participating there. This, of course, is silly. As I've discussed before, I think the Wongery and World Anvil (and other similar sites) serve different and at least partly complementary purposes, and I think there's room for both to coexist. Besides, of course, if it were a competitor, then given that nobody knows about or visits my site, the Wongery would be badly losing the competition.

January 1, 2025: 2025

Happy New Year 2025!

Yeah, okay, I figured I ought to put up a new year's post even though I really don't have anything new to say since the last blog post. Which, granted, was only three days ago, but still, I wish I'd accomplished more in those three days than I have. Last year I was posting every day from December 21 to January 1, and had new progress on the Wongery I could report for each day. Then again, that was the leadup to the much anticipated (by me and by pretty much no one else) and ultimately anticlimactic "hard launch", and I was focusing entirely on the Wongery, and more specifically not on writing new articles (though that is something I really, really, have to do), but on infrastructure matters of web design and extensions. This year, well, I haven't been entirely unproductive this last week, but I've been doing other things besides just working on the Wongery. I have been putting in some time on the Wongery (on...

December 29, 2024: Left to Write

So, I said in my last post that the industry I work in generally more or less shuts down at the end of December, and that that meant I was going to finally get some much-needed free time. So, now that it's near the end of December and I'm presumably free, how much have I gotten done on the Wongery in the last week or so?

Well, unfortunately, nothing.

Okay, that's not entirely true. I've made some minor tweaks to a few articles. But I haven't written any new articles. (I really need to write some new articles. It's been way too long since I've posted a new article.) Nor have I actually made any progress toward finally implementing the stat blocks in the RPG space, which is another thing I really want to get done.

So what have I been doing? Well... first of all, I haven't actually had that many free days yet. I was working almost every day right up until the 23rd, and then the 24th and 25th I had...