The Wongery

Welcome to the Wongery!

The Wongery is a site for information about imaginary worlds. The core features of the Wongery are the Central Wongery, a wiki with content created by the site's owners, and the Public Wongery, where anyone can post their creations. All of the main content of these wikis is released under an open license, so anyone can use it for their own works, subject to the license's conditions. Furthermore, aside from the description of the world, there are pages devoted to additional applications, including RPG statistics, LEGO models, and more.

If you're new here, feel free to browse the Central Wongery or the Public Wongery, check out the forum, or read the blog to see a bit of the site's history.

(Yes, we know the site could really use some illustrations, among other things. The Wongery is still very much a work in progress.)

Recent Blog Posts:

October 3, 2024: Bad Karma

As of yesterday, the Wongery now has a presence (albeit a tenuous one) on the same number of active social media sites as it has since last August.

This is less of a foregone conclusion than it may seem, given that one of the social media sites on which the Wongery had had a presence since last August is no longer active. Cohost, alas, is shutting down. At the beginning of October, it went into read-only mode, and at the end of 2024 it will go offline and the domain name will redirect to an archive of the site on the Wayback Machine. Unfortunately, it seems Cohost just wasn't making enough profit to be sustainable, so this decision was unavoidable; the people behind Cohost have bills to pay like everyone else and can't work full-time for free. It's a pity; I liked Cohost, and thought it had a lot of potential, and I'm sorry to see it go; I wish things had gone differently. I know I wasn't very active there, just posting...

September 9, 2024: SEO What

It's kind of funny looking back now on the old posts where I boast about, for instance, having spent at least an hour working on the Wongery every day for a week, because now... yeah, I'm spending at least that long working on it pretty much every day. I've been spending a lot of time working on the Wongery lately. Which is good, and it is a high priority of mine, and something I do want to spend time on; it's just kind of depressing that I have so little to show for it.

(Also, there are maybe some other things I should spend more time working on because they have perhaps a somewhat better prospect of actually making me some money, which would be... nice. But, well, so much to do, so little time...)

I swear I'm working on some new articles! Really!

But a lot of what I've been doing lately has once again been, well, more behind-the-scenes stuff. Like I mentioned a few posts ago, I made some refinements...

September 7, 2024: No Mo WriMo

I mentioned in a post a few months back that I had decided to write a novel during National Novel Writing Month (hereinafter "NaNoWriMo") set on one of the worlds of the Wongery. At the time I wrote that, however, I had not yet set up a NaNoWriMo account (well, not as "Clay Salvage", anyway; I'm pretty sure I had a NaNoWriMo account years ago under another name, but I don't remember the login info and it's been long enough I don't know if that account survived the makeovers the NaNoWriMo site has had since then), and the NaNoWriMo website seemed to have been in a state of transition, with its fora gone or at least not visible. Anyway, with November becoming imminent-ish, a few weeks ago I figured it was time to get things in order and, among other things, create an account on the NaNoWriMo site.

Now that I had an account, I could see the fora on the NaNoWriMo site. Strangely, there didn't seem to have been...