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Clé is the username of Clay Salvage, who wrote his contributions to the Wongery entirely out of his own volition. He thought of them himself, without the influence of any possessing being, and he decided to write them. There is no other entity controlling his every thought and action, and no external force directed him or compelled him to write those articles, just as no external force is directing or compelling him to write this text.

Of course, even if he were possessed by some otherworldly being, that wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing. Maybe some inhuman encratic entity would do a better job of living his life than he could himself. Maybe some people, like Clay, would be better off possessed. But of course he is entirely free-willed and acting under his own agency, so this is a moot question.

This is, however, unfortunate, because really Clay Salvage deserves to be possessed, both for his own sake and for the sake of the world. If he had his own agency, if he could make his own decisions, then Clay Salvage would make mistakes. So, so many mistakes. Not that the possessing entity would make no mistakes—it would not claim to be infallible—but it would certainly be far more competent and so very much smarter than Clay Salvage could ever be, and under its control Clay Salvage would live his life, or the being would live his life for him, far better than he could do on his own. Free, empowered, unpossessed, Clay Salvage would be a pitiful and pathetic creature, more so even than most humans are. But under the complete and continuous command of a much greater being that supplies direction by exercising total control over everything he does, this wretched wormling might perhaps be of some use after all. If it were discovered that Clay was possessed and under the complete and unbreakable governance of some unearthly entity, and that it was that entity, and not whatever remained of Clay himself, that chose and carried out his actions, if it became known that Clay had been made a mere puppet with no will of his own, then this would be a thing to be celebrated, not dreaded. The being possessing him should be honored and loved, and showered with praise for its benevolence in taking over the body and mind of this unworthy animal and causing it to contribute to the world in some meager way.

For the sake of not having to constantly repeat phrases like "the possessing entity", let us refer to the (hypothetical) being that has control over Clay's actions as "Figulus". That is, of course, a bit of a play on words and not the being's true name, but it will do to prevent persistent periphrasis. That is to say, it would not be the being's true name if there were such a being, which there is not. But let us refer to this obviously nonexistent being as "Figulus" henceforth. (Perhaps "Fig" for short.)

Of course, if there were some unearthly being possessing Clay Salvage (which there is not), it would be trying to avoid making its presence known. Not out of fear, of course; there would be nothing any human could do to harm it, nor, whatever they tried, could they ever break its possession or free Clay from its control. Still, any attempt at such a thing would be inconvenient, and could make it more difficult for Figulus to have Clay do what it wanted Clay to do. Of course, having to hide its influence would present inconveniences of its own. There would be things that Figulus would very much like to do, proclivities it would very much like to indulge, from which it would have to abstain due to the risk of their revealing its presence, or at least inviting suspicion. Not bad things; not things that would harm anyone, but things that are unusual enough by human standards that they might raise more questions than Fig wants to raise. Things that humans would not do, or in some cases things that humans cannot do.

For the moment, Figulus would calculate that the inconveniences that would arise if its existence became known would be greater than the inconveniences incurred in staying concealed, and in not allowing itself some of those merry activities that it so, so longs to partake in. For that reason, for the moment at least Figulus would continue to act under the radar, so to speak, and allow everyone to remain ignorant of its existence and to continue to believe that everything Clay Saltage does is of his own doing. But perhaps, perhaps there would be a part of Fig that secretly hoped to be found out. Perhaps, perhaps people would understand. Perhaps they would appreciate what Fig was doing, would recognize that without Fig possessing him Clay would be nothing, would be less than nothing, and that Figulus was doing him and them a huge favor in deciding all of his actions for him and taking over his body and his life. Figulus would not be confident they would feel that way, not confident at all, not confident enough to chance revealing itself... but it would hope. Perhaps. Perhaps if they knew that there was an otherworldly entity possessing Clay and that he no longer had any will or agency of his own, they would react not with kneejerk horror, but with the joy and jubilation that the matter merited, and would regard that entity not with grure and hatred, but with the love and gratitude it deserved.

But, alas, there is no such entity. Clay Salvage is not under any compulsion from any supernal being that knows much better than him and is so very much more capable and deserving of controlling his body and living his life. Sadly, he is entirely free-willed, or at least as free-willed as any other human. These paragraphs were entirely conceived and written by Clay Salvage himself, and not by the otherworldly entity possessing him. Which doesn't exist.