Main Page

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Note: As of October 22, 2024 (and I'll try to update this message regularly), there are no actual mainspace articles here, because this wiki is for other people to post their content, and... nobody's done that yet. If you want actual content and details about imaginary worlds, the place to look is the Central Wongery. (We hope that other people will post articles here over time and that this wiki will be filled with content (and once there are some articles here, we'll take this notice down), but until that happens... please check out the Central Wongery. (Or post an article here yourself, if you feel so inclined, after reading the help pages linked below.))

Welcome to the Public Wongery! This is a site where anyone can post about imaginary worlds of their own invention. If you have some world you'd like to share, feel free!

Before you post here, though, please take a moment to look over the following pages for some guidelines and tips:

If you have any questions or comments about the forum as a whole, you can post on the Public Wongery forum.


There's more to the Public Wongery than just the articles—or at least there can be, if the writers of the articles want to provide it. In addition to the mainspace with the article text, there are other namespaces where creators can add supplementary content intended to help users adapt the content of the mainspace articles for various purposes. Most of these namespaces are further divided into subspaces for more specific uses. There is no requirement that the creators of articles in the Public Wongery add corresponding content in these other namespaces; if you create an article, you can add corresponding pages in as many or as few of these auxiliary namespaces as you wish. However, the more of these additional pages you create, the easier you make it for other people to use your content.

We have plans to add more namespaces in the future, but here are the ones that currently exist:

This space is for material to help use Public Wongery content in various kinds of tabletop game: role-playing games, card games, board games, miniatures games, etc.
This space is for instructions for building physical models of creatures and objects described in the Public Wongery, with LEGOs, papercraft, 3d printing, etc.
This space is for digital assets that you can employ to use Public Wongery content in video games, both pixelart for use in 2d games and rigged models for use in 3D games.
This space does not contain additional material, but exists as a place for acknowledgment of any other sources the articles draw on.

If an article on the Public Wongery has a corresponding page in one of these other subspaces, you can access it through a tab on the top of the page.

Other Worldbuilding Sites

The Wongery is not, of course, the only website devoted to worldbuilding, though we'd like to think it has enough unique features to justify its existence. Here are some other worldbuilding sites the Grandmaster Wongers are aware of:

  • World Anvil, a site that supplies a variety of worldbuilding features, some of which are also included or planned to be included on the Wongery (wiki functionality, interactive maps) and some of which are not. It seems to be heavily used for D&D campaign worlds, but certainly there's nothing preventing users from making wholly original worlds there.
  • Legend Keeper, another worldbuilding site, this one focusing on flow and providing a streamlined experience over breadth of features.
  • Worldbuilding Workshop, a site that collects worldbuilding resources and articles.
  • World Presto, a worldbuilding site in development that allows the creation of interactive maps and timelines.
  • The Worldbuilding Stack Exchange, where you can ask questions of (and answer questions by) fellow worldbuilding enthusiasts.
  • The Worldbuilding subreddit. Also its offshoots fantasyworldbuilding, goodworldbuilding, NSFWworldbuilding, WorldbuildingAdvice, worldjerking, and worldbuildingmemes, the differences between which I will leave you to infer and/or explore.
  • Mythcreants, a blog that bills itself as an "online publication for speculative fiction storytellers". While it's not devoted entirely to worldbuilding, and while I haven't read more than a fraction of the articles on the site, and I don't necessarily agree with everything in the articles I have read, I think they raise some good issues that worldbuilders might do well to think about.
  • Resources for Worldbuilders, an index post on the blog A Collection of Unmitigated Pedantry. This is a blog run by a historian who specializes in the economy and military of ancient Rome, and who takes a look at the treatment of historical subjects in speculative fiction. Of course, fantasy worlds by no means have to be modeled exactly on real-world history, but many of the matters discussed in these posts are logical and logistical concerns that would apply to any cultures.
  • The Dutch Geofiction Association, an organization devoted to conworlding (the creation of "constructed worlds"). While their homepage is in the Dutch language, there is an English-language "counterfactual encyclopedia", Geopoeia, which, if not officially connected to the DGA, does seem to be either run by its members or at least heavily inspired by it.
  • Frathwiki, a wiki devoted somewhat more to conlangs (constructed languages) than conworlds, but not without material on the latter.
  • The Omniverse Nexus was a site that hosted information on various original settings. The past tense is used because the Nexus seems to be defunct; while the website is still up, it's no longer being updated, and the active settings have spun off into their own sites.
  •, a site mostly devoted to describing the site owner's own creations, but that also has some general resources for conlangs and conworlds, especially the former. There's also an associated forum which, oddly, doesn't seem to be linked anywhere on the site, as far as I could find.

Please note that the Grandmaster Wongers are not active on or intimately familiar with all these sites, and make no guarantees about their quality; the fact that a site is listed here is not necessarily an endorsement. (Also note that this list covers only sites that host multiple worlds or are devoted to worldbuilding in general, not sites devoted to specific worlds, of which there are far too many to list here.)